
to Rachel ROse's Website
Acrylic on canvas
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    Explore some of my most recent work and some of my other creations that I am proud of, such as In the Depths, my icon collection, and the watercolor card that I painted.


    My Portfolio!

    THe Pursuit of Creativity:

    Encouraging others to pursue creativity and take inspiration from the world around them!

    This is my platform to share my passion for all things art and design, and to connect with others. 

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    Hey, I'm Rachel Rosenberger!

    I love supporting others in their exploration of the limitless possibilities of visual arts. Every piece of art starts a conversation with the artist and the viewer. Communication, empathy, and unity can be strengthened through these art and design. This is why I believe that creativity connects.

    Get started.

    Let's Create something beautiful
    Let's connect